By Tim Tomlinson


Morning fog thick on the bay—

the deep baying of foghorns,
           baritone, tuba, French horn,

calling to each other from their clouds below the bridge.

The music of caution, the music of warning,
the music of fear.

Our kitchen is quiet. No fog, no warnings.

We see each other clearly, navigate
           the dangers like ships’ pilots.

It's the way we've learned to enjoy our breakfast.

It's the way we clear the path to lunch.

Tim Tomlinson is a co-founder of New York Writers Workshop and co-author of its popular text, The Portable MFA in Creative Writing. His chapbook, Yolanda: An Oral History in Verse (Finishing Line Press) will appear in October 2105. His poems, stories, and essays have been published in China (United Verses and Anthill), the Philippines (Esquire, Tomas, Silliman Journal, and in the Anvil Press anthology Fast Food Fiction), and the U.S. in numerous venues, including Blue Lyra Review, Caribbean Vistas, Soundings Review, Theory in Action, and in the anthology Long Island Noir (Akashic Books). He is a member of Asia Pacific Writers & Translators. He teaches in the Global Liberal Studies Program at New York University.

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